The most useful snippets from our authors, all in one place. DEPTH discusses topics of diving, equipment and environment, physics and physiology, technique and technology, and hyperbarics.

[Videos] Penguins in Antarctica

Dan Orr, author of Scuba Diving Safetyrecently returned from a trip to Antarctica. He shared these two videos for BestKids Club members to enjoy.

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DEMA Show 2017 - Booth #2438


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Upcoming Events Fall 2017



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Spending Time with Mary Higgins Clark


Recently Alese Pechter, author of Skyward Bound attended the BookExpo in New York City, NY. BookExpo is the largest trade book show in the USA. She was promoting her recently released children's book, Skyward BoundWhile at the show, Alese had the good fortune of meeting and spending time with world famous author Mary Higgins Clark who was also at the show promoting her new book. 

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Dan Orr Kicks Off Shark Week Celebration in Driggs, Idaho


Dan Orr is no stranger to shark diving. In 2008 he took his first shark dive trip to Guadalupe Island, Mexico, and Dan was instantly hooked.

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A Journey of Self Discovery

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill profoundly influenced my work, compelling me to create An American Immersion. After completing such an endeavor, the ever present question is what’s next? Its answer evolves with every new adventure. I just returned from Indonesia, and before I could complete my articles, I embarked on discovery in St. Croix.

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Your Chance to Meet the 'Giants' of Hyperbaric Medicine


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The Choice of Life or Death

Photo Caption: The decompression chamber aboard the USS Dixon where David Scalia suffered his third cardio-respiratory arrest. Dr. Greg Adkission successfully resuscitated David and remained with him in the chamber for 12 hours.

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Surface Rescue Techniques


Photo Caption: Author Dan Orr participates in the Grand Teton National Park Winter EMS Refresher giving lectures on diving safety. As part of the refresher, Dan presented a copy of his book, Scuba Diving Safety, to the GTNP EMS Group for their library.

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Do Nudibranchs Have a Front and a Back?

"Every time I submerge, a feeling of excitement and exploration fills me."

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The 2 Ways to Enter An Ice Dive

While it is approaching summer here in the northern hemisphere, down in Antarctica it is close to winter, where temperatures plummet to -50 degrees and darkness prevails for months. Scientists rarely dive under these conditions, but it has occurred in the past.

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Does Scuba Diving Have a Retirement Age?

Does Scuba Diving Have a Retirement Age?

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Why Harry Hawksbill Is My Hero

One of the reasons why author Paul Mila chose a sea turtle as the main character in Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends was to bring sea turtles to the forefront of peoples' minds when thinking about ocean conservation.

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Under the Ice in Antarctica

NSF Polar Programs Diving Safety Officer prepares for a dive on the Poseidon Se7en rebreather under the ice in Antarctica. Wearing a dry suit with heated undergarments and dry gloves keeps the divers warm (enough) to do their work in the -1.8C water.

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The Origins of Saturation Diving

Curious to explore the undersea world, Alexander the Great used a glass diving bell to submerge himself below the surface. The fish, it is said, “crowded around him in homage.” In 332 BCE, he ordered soldiers to submerge inside diving bells and destroy the enemy’s underwater defenses.

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Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat is a special place. Author Jennifer Idol is traveling this week to share her experiences exploring the cradle of our oceans.

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Controlled Ascent and Safety Stops


"Current philosophy dictates that all dives, even those well within the no-stop limits of tables and computers, should include a controlled ascent (dictated by the diver's computer, tables, or personal or training philosophy) and a safety stop. Newly published research recommends slower ascent rates (slower than 60 feet, or 18.2 meters, per minute according to most tables) possibly coupled with multiple safety stops. Reading available data published by the training associations and DAN is a good way to become familiar with the latest information on ascent protocols. 

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Selecting the Characters for Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends


Author Paul Mila, wrote Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends to impart both a social message for young children and also to teach them about sea life.

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Working in a Blue Water Environment

Scientific divers often work in remote areas, and sometimes far offshore.

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Behind the Publishing Experience (+ amazing photos)


Author Jennifer Idol has taken the dive industry by storm since last year (2016) when she published her first book, An American Immersion. Today, Jennifer shares a few insights on how to get your first book published (and a few photos from her dive near the Best Publishing Company HQ). . .

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