The most useful snippets from our authors, all in one place. DEPTH discusses topics of diving, equipment and environment, physics and physiology, technique and technology, and hyperbarics.

Reduce the Risk of Oxygen Toxicity

This week we continue our series on the published works of Dr. Eric P. Kindwall, the "Father of Hyperbaric Medicine," by looking at the risk factors and symptoms of oxygen toxicity. We invite you to dive into this topic with us and take advantage of these free goodies...

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The Physics of Diving and Hyperbaric Pressures

The Physics of Diving and Hyperbaric Pressures

As promised, this month we are diving into the published works of Dr. Eric P. Kindwall, widely referred to as the "Father of Hyperbaric Medicine." This week we are looking at the physics of diving and hyperbaric pressures. We invite you to take advantage of these free goodies...

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© Best Publishing Company

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A Giant in the Field of Hyperbaric Medicine

A Giant in the Field of Hyperbaric Medicine

Many refer to Dr. Kindwall at the "Father of Hyperbaric Medicine," and his contributions to hyperbaric medicine are legendary. Dr. Kindwall was born on January 17, 1934 and passed away on January 18, 2012. For this reason, we find it fitting to highlight his contributions to the field of hyperbaric medicine during the month of January.

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