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Best author tells of his adventures diving with Harry Hawksbill, the main character from the book, Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends
  HHB 1 BPH Cade 

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BestKids Club Blog Library

[Videos] Penguins in Antarctica by Dan Orr https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/penguins-in-antarctica.html

Why Harry Hawksbill Is My Hero https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/why-harry-hawksbill-is-my-hero.html

Diving With Sea Turtles https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/diving-with-sea-turtles-in-cozmel.html

Sea life help children make sense of the world https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/harry-hawksbill-is-in-the-children-s-library.html

Selecting the Characters for Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/a-behind-the-scenes-glimpse-of-the-writing-of-harry-hawksbill-helps-his-friends-1.html



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Children's books are available.

Available books are found below. 

 Select books based on the reading levels listed to the right. 


BPC Kids Club ALT4 1

Science!  Exploration!  Fun!

Are your kids curious for adventure?

BestKids Club explores our exciting, unusual, and beautiful world.


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Best author tells of his adventures diving with Harry Hawksbill, the main character from the book, Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends
  HHB 1 BPH Cade 

Dive into learning with BestKids Club!

Enter your name and email address below to receive the Free BestKids newsletter.

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BestKids Club Blog Library

[Videos] Penguins in Antarctica by Dan Orr https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/penguins-in-antarctica.html

Why Harry Hawksbill Is My Hero https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/why-harry-hawksbill-is-my-hero.html

Diving With Sea Turtles https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/diving-with-sea-turtles-in-cozmel.html

Sea life help children make sense of the world https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/harry-hawksbill-is-in-the-children-s-library.html

Selecting the Characters for Harry Hawksbill Helps His Friends https://www.bestpub.com/blog/entry/a-behind-the-scenes-glimpse-of-the-writing-of-harry-hawksbill-helps-his-friends-1.html



Kids Printable Fun Pages Website Graphic


Children's books are available.

Available books are found below. 

 Select books based on the reading levels listed to the right. 
